We are She Runs It. An organization paving the way for women to lead at every level in marketing and media.

We have been invested in women’s achievement for more than a hundred years. We even taught advertising classes for women back when women were excluded from university courses.

At the time, we were known as Advertising Women of New York, or AWNY. Recently, we changed our name to She Runs It. Over the last hundred years, we have grown to be more than advertising, and more than New York. Even more than women. We’re proud of everyone, including the many men, who join us.

More than anything, however, we changed our name to reflect a sharper focus. When we started, we wanted to give more women a seat at the table. Now, we want to see more women at the head of the table. Now, our focus is women as leaders.

And women are proven leaders. They make their organizations profitable, socially responsible and innovative. Which benefits everyone. That’s why we bring together everyone who wants to help build the world we want to live in. Where she runs her project, she runs her team, she runs her life, she runs the department, she runs the business, and, yes Beyoncé, she runs the world.