Sara Ahmed is a sleuth on the trail of fraudsters in her role as a Data Scientist working at Hearst Corp. That's a critical role for the company's auditors. As one of the rising stars within MFM's Young Professional (YP) Network, Ahmed caught the eye of Carrie Heffernan, an Assistant Controller at Bonneville International. Heffernan is a YP Co-Chair and Co-Host of the Up & Comer video series. During Heffernan's interview with Ahmed, they talked about various aspects of the data scientist role and how important it is not to reject certain opportunities due to a lack of self-confidence. That attitude has helped Ahmed grab her first rungs of the corporate ladder.
The Up & Comer series is produced by MFM's Young Professionals Network. The group welcomes any media finance professional who is either young in age or new to the media industry. It provides individuals with information to help them become more successful and tap into a network of connections. At MFM's Annual Conference, the YP network hosts a speed mentoring session, allowing members to meet with a variety of industry leaders and experts. It also hosts a roundtable that's focused on leadership, growth, and current hot topics.
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