Borrell Survey Busts Myths About Digital Advertising Profitability (Video)

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Borrell Associates and MFM collaborated on a study to measure the profitability of digital advertising. CEO Gordon Borrell spoke with MFM's Joe Annotti about the impetus for the survey, the hypotheses that were tested, and the somewhat surprising results that demonstrated financial executives' keen awareness of this increasingly important source of advertising revenue.

"I was skeptical about the profitability of digital operations at traditional media companies going into the survey," said Borrell. "But I was pleased -- and a little shocked -- to see that CFOs are providing insights on the digital profit factor so the industry can gauge a true bottom-line value." Borrell views the results as a "barometer" over overall digital advertising profitability across the industry and suggests that additional research is needed to paint a clearer picture of true profit margin. Both Borrell and Annotti agree it's encouraging that financial managers have their eyes on this issue.

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