How can companies successfully navigate the minefield of issues related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices -- which seem to grow more acute with each passing year? That's a big question that Alison Taylor spends a lot of time thinking, talking and writing about. She's the Executive Director of Ethical Systems, which harnesses research from academic leaders in order to transform the ethical practices of corporations. And Taylor is also a Clinical Professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. As if that weren't enough, she's writing a book for Harvard University Press that will delve into the often-thorny topic.
Taylor sat down with MediaVillage Knowledge Exchange Editor Janet Stilson to discuss what companies need to be aware of, and beware of, when it comes to ESG. She touched on the backlash against "greenwashing" by marketers and why she thinks there will be a growing rise of employee activism, contributing to powershifts in company leadership. Taylor also explained what the people she teaches -- future leaders of the corporate world -- are saying about ESG-related matters.
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