Video: Media Agency Transformation - Muszynski, Warburton, Reed, Hutton, Stimmel

By Legends & Leadership Archives
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For the second year in his Legends & Leaders Video Series, Jack Myers invited Shenan Reed, President, Chief Client Officer, Publicis Groupe, Graeme Hutton, SVP, Group Partner, Research, UMWW, John Muszynski, CIO, Spark Foundry USA, Catherine Warburton, CIO, Assembly, Jon Stimmel, CIO, UMWW to join in a discussion about the transformation of the media, marketing and advertising industries. See the interview above. Watch the full series here.

Big data, technology and the ability to provide a level of granularity with regard to insights are creating a large-scale transformation of the industry. John Muszynski said, “This is a very, very exciting time for us.” He then shared his thoughts on what the most exciting aspect of that change is – and how it affects clients.

Shenan Reed spoke about the disruption giants like Facebook and Google are trying to create. “They’re sitting in mountains of data that are silo’d,” she said. Reed elaborated on the need to break down barriers to combine data into one central eco-system and how agencies can help.

Jon Stimmel addressed how the process has evolved and how the most successful clients are adapting. “The best clients we have are the ones that can navigate all the different areas within the agency to bring people together to work collaboratively and bring in their creative agencies as well...because there’s no linear process anymore by which people work.”

Catherine Warburton discussed the challenges of balancing the value proposition with the near-constant directive to drive down costs. “Today, we have so much more information about our targeting. The fact that the decision will be made based on what my demographic CPM that I put on the cost exercise will be rather than this is the right media plan or media buy for our client. It’s really frustrating,” she said.

Graeme Hutton spoke about walled gardens and echoed Reed’s frustration. “When you go and talk to any large media owner, the answer is Facebook or the answer is Google – now what’s the question,” he said.

The conversation then transitioned into a discussion of data’s impact on the Upfrontand the future of the Upfront.

Watch more of this informative exchange here and view all the round table discussions with senior industry executives at

The Legends & Leaders Video Series was made possible by a generous grant from Warner Brothers Media Sales and is presented by Jack Myers KnowledgeExchange and MediaVillage.

Video: Media Agency Transformation - Muszynski, Warburton, Reed, Hutton, Stimmel

Video: Upfront Tipping Point - Warburton, Stimmel, Muszynski, Hutton, Reed

A Seat at the Table: Season 2 of Legends & Leaders Videos with Jack Myers

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