Three Ways OOH Amplifies Back-To-School Spending

“School’s Out for SUMMER!” Alice Cooper’s words permeated the humid air just a few short weeks ago. And as that final bell rang, back-to-school shopping had already become a thing. You read that right. According to Bizrate Insights*, back-to-school shopping may not heat up until the dog days of summer (July-August), but 5% of shoppers have already started on their shopping lists by April and another 7% started before June.  

Back-to-school and college shopping ranks high for retailers, with an average annual spending growth of 42% over the last 10 years.* Second only to the winter holidays, spending on back-to-school and college means big business for retailers large and small. Here are some additional stats about consumer spending habits worth a ponder:

  • The average family with children in grades K-12 plans to spend over $600 on electronics, apparel and other school essentials
  • Households with college-age students look to spend over $1,000
  • Teachers open up their pocketbooks too, spending an average of $490 on their classrooms
  • Total spending last year approximated to reach $68 billion!

Get your message in front of students, parents and teachers while they're in the planning stage. Here are three reasons why OOH is your best bet to make it to the top of the buying class:

1. The Proximity of Local Neighborhood Displays

Influence buying decisions where it counts -- near point-of-sale. Add directional messaging to point consumers to products they need to purchase, right in the close vicinity of where they live and commute, as seen below:

2. The Immediacy of Digital

Digital displays enable real-time, flexible messaging to promote limited-time specials, flash sales and interactive coupons:

3. The Power of Unskippable Creative!

Breakthrough the clutter with eye-catching, head-of-the-class ads: