A Two-Point Conversion for Marketers Just in Time for NFL Season

Pricing is no reason for a marketing fumble this NFL season. Advertisers can now sell their products and services to NFL fans even if their brand doesn’t make it into the stadium. We call it the two-point out-of-home (OOH) advertising conversion: location plus smart demographics and behavioral data. Now, both local and national brands can develop highly-targeted campaigns on roadside billboards and street level media that reach a captive, loyal fan base right outside the stadium and other live sporting event broadcasts. Moreover, this is a great way to pre-empt the competition that’s spending big on in-stadium advertising.

Location, Location, Location

Sports fans, like other consumers, spend over 70 percent of their time outside their homes. What’s more, NFL fans drive more miles per week on average than other adults (174 miles vs. 158). More miles means they’re more likely to see OOH ads. At Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (CCOA) we’ve mapped our out-of-home inventory within a five-mile radius of 19 different NFL stadiums.This means businesses and opposing sponsors are just a mile away from reaching their intended audiences with a highly-visible message that’s always above the fold.

CCOA’s inventory over indexes for NFL fans within a five-mile radius of 19 different stadiums.

Demographic Targeting that’s Really Smart and Tailored to Your Customer

We’ve studied sports fans, analyzed their behaviors and matched their collective travel patterns against our billboards and other inventory. And our new measurement solutions give insight into what happens after a consumer segment sees an ad on our billboards.

The same precise targeting that made mobile advertising so successful now enables OOH campaigns to compete thanks to its own highly-targeted and measurable ad campaigns. Just this spring, Clear Channel Outdoor Americas introduced