A Different Sort of "Buzz" Can Potentially Sink Google+ - Matt Koppelman - MSLGROUP

"Buzz" in the communications industry is usually something we doggedly pursue. Marketing and PR departments exist to get their brands talked about. Yet we could probably poke a few holes in this axiom in the context of the world's newest social network.

Google+, still in beta, has already received more search queries and news references in its first two weeks than Facebook did for several years after it was introduced. I'm not so sure all the hype is a good thing.

Let's take a look at how search volume for Facebook and Google+ compares. After no or little search volume for Facebook for about three years, it started to grow incrementally in mid-2008. But look at Google+, which opened in beta a couple weeks ago. Search traffic has skyrocketed.


Matt Koppelman

Matt Koppelman, account executive, MSLGROUP, Chicago Matt can also be reached on  @ www.gplus.to/mkoppelman or on Twitter @mattkoppelman. read more