A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Soap Aisle - DailyTRA - MediaBizBloggers

After a period of several years when the number of scripted comedies on television had been dwindling, the sitcom is experiencing a rebirth. Several networks have recently added more comedy programs to their prime time lineups.

While many networks have decided to go with more original comedy series, there is still a paucity of great comedies, which makes it hard for advertisers who want their brand to be associated with such light-hearted, family fare to find the right environment on television for their creatives. Among the programs of this genre that air during prime time, some have The Right Audienceā„¢ for Soap and Body Wash brand advertisers who seek the light hearted environment. The best comedy programs for reaching Soap and Body Wash Purchasers include several comedies that air during primetime on cable networks, and there were some broadcast network comedies that made it into the top 10 as well. Three comedies that premiered this 2010-2011 television season, CBS's Bleep My Dad Says, ABC's Better With You, and Fox's Running Wilde are among them. These powerful "Right Audience" metrics give advertisers and networks the last laugh as they improve ROI for the brand, while increasing revenue for the network.

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