A Mentor, and Curiosity, Led Leah Coston to a Rising Career at Audacy

Welcome to another edition of MFM "Up and Comer" series, where we profile young finance professionals in the media and entertainment industry. We're kicking off 2024 with this interview with Leah Coston, Senior Director of Corporate Accounting at Audacy. Leah was climbing the corporate ladder at PwC, when she learned her mentor, Beth Bramowski, had taken a job with a multiplatform audio company called Audacy. Bramowski -- now CAP and Controller at Audacy – saw Leah's promising talent and recruited her to join the company. Coston has not looked back.

Coston didn't start out thinking she was going to be in finance. She had her sights set on a legal career, using accounting to go into law. "At first, I thought I wanted to be a corporate lawyer, but after one law class in college, I realized I didn't want to do that." She says she still enjoyed accounting, so kept it as her major. She got a job with PwC right out of school and stayed there for a little over eight years before joining Audacy in October 2018.

Coston has risen through the ranks quickly. She describes her job as multi-dimensional -- "someone here said that I herd cats," she says -- but she loves the diversity, saying that she is constantly challenged. "When you think about the month-end close, it's a pretty cyclical process. But there's always something new or something that comes up that you haven't seen [before] or you have to think through." As Coston looks to ultimately becoming a controller or similar type of finance leader, she continually looks to improve her and her team's responses to challenging situations.

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