An Enlightened Employer [Burning Man 2012 -Part Three]

I received a lot of response and feedback from the two Burning Man columns I wrote (read Part One and Part Two). Easily the best was from Adam Kleinberg, CEO of the Traction Interactive Agency.

Adam responded to me with a blog post he wrote about why he allows employees to take time off to go to Burning Man. How very cool and enlightened! Many people I met at Burning Man made it clear that their employer or family or community did NOT know they were burners and wanted to keep it that way as they wanted to stay employed. To have an employer specifically encourage their employees to attend therefore stands out.

Now Adam runs an Interactive agency and in the Bay Area no less, so his understanding of and awareness of the creative force that is Burning Man makes more sense than being say an accounting firm in some city in the South or Midwest. That said, as I wrote, Burning Man really felt like it was the Renaissance on the planet, at least for a week. Why would someone in a creative field not want their employees to be exposed to radical self-expression and amazing creativity.

I responded to Adam's email with a query as to whether he could document enhanced employee loyalty, productivity and creativity and he responded with this blog post from a Traction employee.

Way to go Kasey and way to go Adam! I look forward to meeting you both some day, at Traction or on the Playa.

David Houle is a futurist, strategist and speaker. He has always been slightly ahead of the curve. Houle spent more than 20 years in media and entertainment. Most recently, David is a featured contributor to Check is out here David can be contacted at

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David Houle

David Houle is a global futurist, strategist and speaker. He has always been slightly ahead the curve. Houle spent more than 20 years in media and entertainment. He has worked at NBC, CBS and was part of the senior executive team that created and launched MT… read more