And We'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun…: A Guide to Killing Time Online - Cory Treffiletti - MediaBizBlogger

This week, it's all about balance. You know what they say about all work and no play, right? You can't get too far in life without having at least a little bit of fun. What's funny is that the very existence of that old saying goes to show you that even way back before the Internet, people had trouble balancing work and fun. These days, it certainly hasn't gotten any easier.

Since we all seem to have issues in this area, we decided we'd balance out this edition of Digital Influentials with a little bit of this and a little bit of that. To quote the hip hop artists Black Sheep, we've got "brothers in a jungle, cousins on a quest." The choice is yours.

First off, for a site that allows you to indulge in a little bit of self deprecation with the intent of making you feel better, check out F-MY-LIFE ( This site is growing by leaps and bounds (it just scored a book deal), and allows you to share that frustrating experience from today that has you thinking your life sucks sometimes. The funny thing is that by reading the site for just a few minutes, your life doesn't sound so bad anymore! It's a fun way to make yourself feel better.

If you're looking for a fun challenge and a new way to use the few brain cells you've got left, check out THESE THREE BANDS ( The challenge is simple; describe one band using three other bands. My first submission was "Death Cab For Cutie is like James Taylor after he drinks a bottle of Jack Daniels, gets really sad about his break up with Carly Simon and calls up Coldplay for a jam session." If you think you can do better, go for it! It's a fun way to pass the time.

If you're looking for a new apartment, which can be about as fun as a trip to the dentist, make your life a little easier by using CAZOODLE ( They make finding an apartment as easy as typing in your zip code. It can also be easier than trolling through Craigslist, and you can cut right to the chase: price, location and pictures. The search works quickly and the Google Map overlay is especially helpful. It's a fun way to find a place to live.

For a fun way to express yourself or your business, check out MOO ( The Moo cards have been around for some time now, but they are expanding in size and the quality is top notch.

And just in case you need to get back to work, or more importantly you need to go to a conference to find more work, check out GARY'S GUIDE ( Gary's Guide provides a one-stop location for all business-related conferences. It is an invaluable solution for finding where your clients may be spending their time. It's a fun way to build your business, indirectly of course.

And just in case your business needs an iPhone App, check out MOTHERAPP ( If you can do HTML, they can help you translate that into an App. This business is getting bigger everyday and the rumor is that Apple is approaching their 1 billionth App in the App Store, so you'd better get in line! It's a fun way to expand your horizons.

And speaking of iPhone Apps… check out the CELLFIRE ( app to get some mobile coupons and the new SKYPE app that lets you call using VOIP without spending minutes. They're both fun ways to save money!

That's it for this week – now go have some fun!

Cory. Treffiletti

Cory is a data-driven storyteller who practices marketing, maintains a musical hobby, and has a passion for thinking differently. As Chief Marketing Officer for Rembrand, Cory is helping drive the growth of the leading programmatic product placement platform… read more