ARF Insights: Advertising Research Foundation Honors 2011 ARF David Ogilvy Awards Winners for Best Use of Research

On March 23, the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF) announced the winners of the 2011 ARF David Ogilvy Awards for Excellence in Advertising Research at the Marriott Marquis in New York City. Twenty-nine advertising campaigns, across15 business award categories, were honored for best use of research.

Among the night's special honors, Domino's Pizza walked away with the ARF Grand Ogilvy Award for its "Pizza Turnaround" campaign. The ARF Grand Ogilvy Award was given to the campaign demonstrating the most successful use of research in the creation of superior advertising that achieves a critical business objective. The United States Census Bureau, returning after more than a decade, claimed the Research Achievement Award for its"2010 United States Census" campaign. Kimberly-Clark received the Research Innovation Award for its "Break the Cycle" campaign for its Kotex brand.

Sponsored by Microsoft Advertising, the annual ARF David Ogilvy Awards gala honors extraordinary and creative use of research in the development of successful advertising campaigns. The winners provided an exemplary understanding of how research can be used to create powerful, profitable campaigns.

Entries from research suppliers, ad agencies, media companies and advertisers throughout the world were judged by a panel of industry experts under the ARF's direction. Gold and Silver Awards were given to the best two entrants within each category. Gold Category Award winners were automatically placed in the running for special recognition awards: the Research Insights Award, the Research Innovation Award and the ARF Grand Ogilvy Award.

The ARF David Ogilvy Awards gala was part of the ARF's largest-ever annual convention, Re:think 2011 – Managing the Complexity Maze: Insights as the Navigator, which continued the organization's year-long 75thAnniversary celebration.

The full list of category award winners is available online via the official ARF Re:think 2011 Convention website.