Arthritis Sufferers Wake Up with Good Morning America - DailyTRA

Over 46 million people in the U.S. are affected by Arthritis. Joint inflammation, causing pain and discomfort can prevent Arthritis sufferers from participating in their favorite indoor or outdoor activities, and often seek regular medical treatment to ease the pain.

With TRA’s TV Health-Ratings™ powered by SDI, advertisers can now leverage single-source intelligence combining viewing and actual prescription behavior to help pinpoint which networks, dayparts and programs across broadcast and cable will be most efficient to reach Arthritis patients.

Although there is opportunity to reach this niche audience throughout the entire day, the chart below illustrates that during the early morning daypart, Arthritis patients have a greater than average presence in Good Morning America versus the competing programs in the Early Morning daypart. This higher concentration of The Right Audience™ can turn into higher ROI on your television investment.

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