Bill O'Reilly's Outburst Inspires Parodies and Responses

It was just about a week ago that the now infamous clip of Bill O’Reilly’s 20-year-old flip out on Inside Edition first surfaced on YouTube. With over a million views and counting, the clip has inspired a number of video responses both on TV and online.

Last week, Stephen Colbert weighed in with his opinion on how the clip is popular because, “Who could have guessed that Bill O’Reilly had a temper?”



Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC’s Countdown, is also an O’Reilly opponent. In March, O’Reilly banned the use of the word, “Olbermann” from his Fox show, The O’Reilly Factor. Olbermann said of the clip, “I’m confident, somewhere, there’s an outtake of me that looks a little like that. So if you have it, please post it immediately. Send me a link. It will probably be from when I was at Fox.”


Of course, O’Reilly himself had to acknowledge the clip and he did so with elegance, saying that he had plenty of new material and that he was contractually obligated to create drama in order to amuse his coworkers.

In addition to the video clip, a handwritten letter from an Inside Edition producer surfaced. In the letter, the producer apologizes for O’Reilly’s outburst as well as some other wrongdoings including “the decapitated Jose Conseco bobble head doll in Adam’s car”  (I would imagine Adam was an Inside Edition coworker.) and “the inappropriate fondling of everyone on staff.” It’s nice to know that even 20 years ago, the staff had a sense of humor about the incident.

I’m sure thousands of mash-ups and parodies of the original clip will flood YouTube over the next few months. To date, here is the most popular:

Be sure to check out TiVoWorthy TV for additional video clips.



Nina Spezzaferro

  Nina Spezzaferro is Associate Editor for She writes 18 to 24 insights, a commentary on the TV, online and media interests of the 18 to 24 demographic, the most influential audience for content creators, marketers, and media distributo… read more