Bravo Bloomberg Editorials - Charlie Warner - MediaBizBloggers

The Wednesday, December 15, 2010, edition of the New York Times featured a story titled "Bloomberg to Publish Editorials" and read in part: "The mayor's company, Bloomberg L.P., said on Wednesday that it would begin publishing editorials across its vast media enterprise in an effort to broaden the company's influence on national affairs."

Bravo for Bloomberg News and its publications such as Bloomberg BusinessWeek. The nation needs a sane discussion of important issues to reinforce the sensibleness of Jon Stewart and counteract the insane and senseless extremism screamed by the likes of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh on far right and Keith Olbermann on the left.

The Times story indicated that:

… the endeavor, called Bloomberg View, is intended to channel his [Mayor Bloomberg's] personal philosophy and worldview.

"I think it's very important that everyone understands that our editorial page is going to be, for sure, consistent with the values and beliefs of the founder — even if he happens to be mayor of New York City," said Matthew Winkler, the editor in chief of Bloomberg News. "I fully expect us in our Bloomberg View always to reflect those values. In fact, I want people to come away from reading the Bloomberg View infused with those beliefs and values."

And we know what those values are, because on December 13, Mayor Bloomberg gave a speech announcing his commitment to the No Labels movement that is the reasonable, middle-ground, independent antithesis to the virulent, rage-driven partisan politics from the right and left that is crippling our government and our country. These extremists are throwing stupid partisan tantrums while our infrastructure, educational systems, climate, and a basic sense of decency deteriorate.

The current political tantrums are thrown mainly by narcissists who are good at manipulating public opinion to gain fame and wealth – entertainers who are not in the least bit interested (and rarely understand) the complex issues they rant about, but merely care about getting what they want: approval and money. The last thing they want is to change the world; they like it the way it is – a celebrity obsessed (not idea obsessed) world more interested in fiddling than putting out the fires of hate that are burning down a social order of reasonableness.

Michael Bloomberg has proven that he is a reasonable, pragmatic, yet idealistic Mayor, who will fight for social justice and fiscal responsibility. He's the rare politician who does what he thinks is right and best for the city, and he doesn't need approval or, certainly, money.

He praised the No Labels approach when he spoke at the organization's inaugural convention. Here's what Matt Bai wrote in the New York Times:

Mr. Bloomberg brought some star power to the inaugural No Labels convention at Columbia University, which also featured speakers like Joe Scarborough, Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida and a smattering of congressmen and senators. No Labels aspires to become a counterweight to ideological groups like and the Tea Party movement — a network of activists devoted to pushing politicians from both parties toward a nonpartisan consensus on vital issues.

I suspect his appearance was orchestrated to coincide with the announcement that Bloomberg News would be publishing editorials. He's no dummy. But whether he's launching a third-party presidential bid or merely trying to inject some sanity and respect into the political dialogue, the Bloomberg Views editorials are a welcome addition to the national dialogue, which has become way too strident.

Also, the editorials fill a gap in the national dialogue as newspapers close and as radio and television stations abandon serving the public interest for increasing ratings and shareholder value (and moguls' income).

Bloomberg Views, count me in.

Until he retired in 2002, Charlie Warner was Vice President of AOL's Interactive Marketing division. Before joining AOL, he was the Goldenson Endowed Professor at the Missouri Journalism School where he taught media management and sales, and he created and ran the annual Management Seminar for News Executives. Charlie can be contacted at

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