Cinema Advertising Leads to Purchase Intent...Key to Reaching Video Gamers - Daily Data Sponsored by Screenvision

Today's Daily Data is sponsored by Screenvision

The movies are booming this year with admissions up as much as 12 percent compared to a year ago. The key issue is that with more and more consumers spending time at the movie theaters, more and more advertisers are following suit! One of the key reasons that marketers are shifting more of their advertising dollars to the Cinema sector is because of its measured layers of effectiveness.

In the Jack Myers Emotional Connection® survey, data shows that consumers time and time again are more attentive to ads at the theaters compared to TV; awareness is the starting point of all ROI measurement. In fact, this recall leads to receptivity of messaging and product usage….a brand manager's dream!

Overall, across all respondents, one-third of respondents pay more attention to ads at the movies vs. ads on TV. Videogamers are +29 percent more likely to be attentive to ads at the movies and also more likely to purchase products/services seen at the movies.

 Pay More   
 AttentionIndex Ads At Movies Seen as aIndex 
 to Ads InToRecommendation;To
 Cinema vs TVAllMore Likely Consider BuyingAll
All Respondents32.6% 18.4% 
Video Gamers*41.9%12930.5%166
*play 1+ hours of video games per day   

Source: Myers Research on the Emotional Connections of Audiences to the Media They Consume. Conducted online among 8,000 respondents aged 15-55. Daily Data sponsored by Screenvision.