Clear The Air On Top Rated Cable Programs! - DailyTRA - MediaBizBloggers

Why do advertisers advertise? To sell more products of course. Within the $138 million spent on television advertising for Air Fresheners, Procter & Gamble, SCJohnson and others need to discover that not all rating points are created equal in delivering an audience of potential Air Freshener consumers. Advertisers have been using ratings and standard age/sex demographics in the buying of commercial inventory and we expect that will continue but...

the problem, however, is that using ratings and standard age/sex demographics is a proxy for the consumer behavior the buyers and sellers are most interested in, namely, purchase behavior. Among the top 10 rated Cable programs shown here, only 3 are highly rated and viewed by heavy buyers of the Air Freshener category. And one of these top rated programs is significantly under-delivering the category buyers, meaning money spent here, might grow brand sales more effectively if it were re-allocated to one of the stronger programs for the category purchasers. Check out USA’s “WWE Raw”, I always suspected that these rough and tough wrestlers might consider it “cleaning” by just making the room smell better!


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