Domestic Auto Makers Find The Right Audience with Big Bang Theory and New Girl - DailyTRA

Experts are predicting that fans of The Big Bang Theory would also enjoy watching TV’s newest comedy series, New Girl. As depicted in the charts below, domestic car brands indexed highest for The Big Bang Theory while European and luxury cars indexed lowest. Advertisers such as Pontiac and Chrysler, should be considering placing their ads on new programs such as New Girl if the predictions are correct! With that in mind, networks are able to use TRA’s Media TRAnalytics® to match viewing behavior with actual purchase data. Armed with this vital information, networks are able to attract the right advertisers to their new programs, that is, advertisers whose products are being purchased by the viewers of the programs. Advertisers are also using Media TRAnalytics® to find out exactly what networks, programs and dayparts work best for their products and provide them with the highest return on investment. Remove the guesswork, plan and buy media with TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®.

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