Don’t be Wedded to Old Metrics - DailyTRA

When discussing return on investment in media, everyone wants to see their numbers go up, but when you use old metrics to plan your media, there is likely some inherent waste that comes with your investment. In the example below using TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, advertisers are able to see which products indexed with the highest Purchaser Rating Points™ (PRP™) – thus, providing them with the information needed to plan and execute the best TV ad campaigns for their media dollars. Using this knowledge, advertisers are able to target the programs that reach their desired brand or category buyers with the right messages at the right time, producing The Right Audience® for their products. Products such as Spirits, Liquor, Beer, Toaster Pastries, Energy Drinks and Paper Towels are all products viewers of Shedding for the Wedding purchase which makes it an environment worth consideration for advertisers such as Red Bull, Corona, and Quaker, Bounty and other advertisers in these categories. Only with TRA Media TRAnalytics®, advertisers and agencies can receive vital information to help drive their ROI. To find out more, please visit