DRTV DERAILERS Part 7 of 13 – Section 6 - Irv Brechner


We touched on this (section #1) earlier, but we feel that because this is such an important area, we'll go into much greater detail here. Today, while this topic is fresh on your mind, take a good look at your site. Make a list of all clickable links, which includes links to pages within your site as well as external links. Our observations are that many DRTV product sites include these kinds of links:

*About company

*Message boards

*Product detail


*Live chat

*My account

*Terms of use


*Product use instructions

*Offer details

*Site map

*Customer service


*Social networking logos/links


*Before/After video/photographs

*Press & Reviews


*Register product

*Membership club information

*Parts & Accessories

We've underlined those links that we think – in most cases – are necessary for conversion success. All the others can be explained in graphics and copy on the main landing page or don't belong on a site designed to sell.

If you do a great job designing the landing page and the few other pages on the site, you won't need these extraneous links that do not aid the sales process and only serve to distract potential customers.

You can ask your IT people to provide you with a report of the pages that are visited on your current site. Knowing where people go on your site will give you clues as to which pages are important, and which are not.

Finally, give us a call. We can show you landing pages that are very well done and don't have distractions.

You can download the entire ebook at any time at:http://DD111.acquirgy.net

Irv Brechner has written over 100 published direct marketing articles and 13 books on a variety of topics. He's been a pioneer in online customer acquisition since 1996 and offline for his 35-year career. He has developed Acquirgy.com's "Customer Acquisition Intel Center" (acquirgy.com/intel ) he evangelizes best-of-breed tactics to help companies acquire customers in the digital age. He can be reached at: irv@acquirgy.com .

Read all Irv's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Customer Acquisition Intel.

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