Gender News Weekly: Amy Schumer, Mark Zuckerberg and More

Inspired by Jack Myers’ upcoming book “The Future of Men: Masculinity in the Twenty-First Century,” this is a weekly blog series focused on gender equality, gender politics and the shift in gender norms in business and culture. Read on for this week’s news roundup.

Pantone Announces Two Colors of the Year in Nod to Gender Equality and Transgender Rights

Every year, Pantone announces a much-anticipated “Color of the Year,” spurring excitement in the design and fashion industries; this year, however, the company has announced two “colors of the year” for the first time ever, reports Wired. Rose Quartz (a pastel pink) and Serenity (a soft blue) were deemed the winners and represent “a mindset of tranquility and inner peace,” according the the company, reports Quartz.  The fact that the company chose two colors and these colors in particular is obviously loaded with political intention (see the resemblance of the colors in the image below to the transgender pride flag above). “This more unilateral approach to color is coinciding with societal movements toward gender equality and fluidity, the consumers’ increased comfort with using color as a form of expression and an open exchange of digital information that has opened our eyes to different approaches to color usage that challenge traditional color associations,” Pantone released in a statement.



Connor Zickgraf

Connor Zickgraf writes the Gender News blog for MediaVillage. She can be reached via Twitter at @czickgraf3.​​ read more