"Glee" The Next Generation: Will It Work? - Jeanine Poggi

Glee won't have 30-year-old actors walking around the halls of McKinley High.

Series creator, Ryan Murphy, told Ryan Seacrest last week that several Gleeks will graduate in Season 3 and some new members of New Directions will be introduced in the fall and mid-season.

"I don’t think of it in terms of eliminating or replacing. Because I think the thing about this cast is people love them and they are incredibly talented. They’ve left sort of an indelible mark,” Murphy said during Seacrest's radio show. “The thing that I wanted to do and the cast wanted to do, we didn’t want to have a show where they were in high school for 8 years.We really wanted it to be true to that experience. We thought it would be really cool if we were true to the timeline.”

But exactly which characters will don the cap and gown is questionable, as the producers have strategically refrained from revealing the grades of most of the teens. Lea Michelle's character, Rachel Berry, will be heading into her senior year, since in Season 1 it was briefly mentioned that she was in the 10th grade.

Other possible graduates include Finn, Quinn and Puck. Brittany's age is unclear, but it would be very easy to keep the ditzy cheerleader around by saying she had to be left back a year. Kurt could be younger than the rest of the cast, but there was mention of him driving, which would mean he is at least 16.

So who will replace the original cast? Glee is finding some fresh faces through its summer reality series The Glee Project. The winner of the reality competition will receive a seven-episode gig on Season 3, which could potentially lead to a bigger role.

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Jeanine Poggi is a financial journalist by day, TV addict by night. She started her blog, Too Much To Tivo, in April 2010 as a way to dish about her favorite shows and characters. The series currently recording on her TiVo include So You Think You Can Dance, The Big Bang Theory, Vampire Diaries, True Blood and American Idol. Jeanine can be reached at jpoggi@toomuchtotivo.com.

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Jeanine Poggi

Jeanine Poggi is a financial journalist by day, TV addict by night. She started her blog, Too Much To Tivo, in April 2010 as a way to dish about her favorite shows and characters. The series currently recording on her TiVo include So You Think You Can Dance,… read more