Great Sellers Go To Heaven - Bob Sherman - MediaBizBloggers

Frankly, whatever part religion plays in my life has little to do with business, but the title for this blog came to me when I found myself thinking how important an altruistic mindset is to help set the stage for extraordinary performance in sales. So while one's spirituality is nothing to take lightly, I thought it made for a catchy title. If I've transgressed, may I be forgiven.

Great Sellers Go To Heavenbecause they live by a set of core values that center around honesty in their communications and devoted service to others before self. It seems to me that these qualities tenaciously adhered to, begin to make a good argument in favor of admission. The other core values that I believe lead to uncommon success are in support of these two so as to ensure the greatest benefit to the greatest number of clients. Here again are the five core values that I propose can guide anyone to remarkable sales performance:


Numbers 4 and 5 will be the "evidence" from your business life supporting your "case."

There is a common ground you share with all those upon whom you call. You each want to benefit (in various ways) from your labor. You each want to invest, acquire wisely and benefit those who are counting on you. You are each prepared, or ought to be, to sacrifice to achieve these ends. If you are the one in a given interchange offering to provide the goods or services, your success will be in direct proportion to the degree to which you make paramount the needs of those you would serve.

Behaving this way will fire up the engine of rough justice karma that will ensure your uncommonly substantial payment for services rendered. Aside from logic there is substantial faith-based evidence that a life spent this way helps on Judgment Day. A search of "service to others" in the St. James Bible, the Old Testament, the Koran and readings on Buddhism reveal the following:

1 Peter 4:10
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms."

Exo 24:13; 33:11
"Great leaders are people who have no problem with serving others if that is their lot in life; indeed, it helps prepare them to lead"

Koran: "You are the best people created for the good of mankind." (3:111)
This verse claims that Muslims are the best people and have been raised for the good of others.

Buddhism: "Human Dignity in Buddhism," by Ven Dr.K Sri Dhanaranda:
"By being of service to others, we develop great virtues which are inherent in us. By being of service to others we show a spirit of understanding, kindness, compassion, honesty, simplicity, gentleness and humility."

Pick a religion or look about you at the stand out performers who month after month and year after year do all, and more that is expected of them by their bosses and clients. They serve and serve again and are going... you know where.

Great Selling!

Bob Sherman has 40 years experience managing relationships between media companies and advertisers in old and new media from radio, cable and TV to the Internet, and from sales executive to chief executive and from the biggest media corporations to his own entrepreneurial companies. He is currently in partnership with Pilot Group, LLC. Bob can be reached at

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Bob Sherman

Bob Sherman has 40 years experience managing relationships between media companies and advertisers in old and new media from radio, cable and TV to the Internet, and from sales executive to chief executive and from the biggest media corporations to his own … read more