Great Sellers Know When to Leave Their Cell Phones Deactivated - Bob Sherman

Maybe that goes for parents and spouses as well, but I claim much less expertise in those areas.

If you've the good fortune of a client or potential client giving you a part of his business day because you've convinced him you that believe that you can and would like to help him, what's the message he receives when your cell rings or you check for new messages, across the desk from him. (If you are one of, sadly, the minority of folk out to dinner with the wife and kids and no cell phone in sight on your table, what's your reaction to the guy at the next table celling-away?)

You client deserves your complete and thoughtful attention. You are there intruding on his schedule for his benefit. You are his samurai--at his service--you exist for his well-being, at least for the hour he's given you.

Absent a personal crisis which you must be able to respond to quickly, everything else can and should wait.

Leaving your cell phone in the glove compartment may be harder than stopping smoking, but you can do it. I know you can!

Great Selling!

Bob Sherman has 40 years experience managing relationships between media companies and advertisers in old and new media from radio, cable and TV to the Internet, and from sales executive to chief executive and from the biggest media corporations to his own entrepreneurial companies. He is currently in partnership with Pilot Group, LLC. Bob can be reached at

Read all Bob's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Great Sellers Go To Heaven.

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Bob Sherman

Bob Sherman has 40 years experience managing relationships between media companies and advertisers in old and new media from radio, cable and TV to the Internet, and from sales executive to chief executive and from the biggest media corporations to his own … read more