Net Neutrality Repeal and More: June Is Going to Be Wild!

By Paul Maxwell Report Archives
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Here’s an advance cheat sheet for everything that is happening next week.  Stay focused everybody -- it will be a dizzying few days.

Monday the 11thshould start off with a band as Title I “light touch” regulation of the internet takes hold for real.  Network semi-neutrality aspects will take place as new rules are posted by your local Internet Service Provider designating, for example, a fast lane for T-Mobile’s Layer 3 TV …  that is, barring any action from the White House that might trump the rules if Sinclair/Tribune isn’t approved.  In any case Free Press will file a brief at the Federal Confusion Commission decrying the process … the FCC will respond with the address of the Federal Trade Commission noting the administrative processes have switched alphabets to a “T” in the middle.

Also on Monday (and Tuesday), CTHRA (the Cable TV Human Resource Association or something like that) meets at Showtime’s offices in Manhattan for a closed executive forum on “Future Proofing Our Workforce: Embracing Disruption” workshop.  Which brings up a question … has anybody anywhere in corporate America ever really embraced disruption?

At 9:00 p.m. ET Monday (9:00 a.m. Singapore time on Tuesday the 12th), the heads of state of North Korea and the United States will begin their on-again, off-again, on-again sit down in Singapore to, perhaps, discuss “denuclearization” or something like that depending upon whose translators can best define if for both principals and their minions.  In an attempt to live up to the new European General Data Privacy Regulations, Facebook will even live stream the whole thing.  Rocket Man meets The Great Orange ID in the jaws of FAANG!

Back in the U.S.A., PromaxBDA convenes on the 12th at the New York Hilton.  The theme: “Avoid the Black Hole: How To Stay Relevant in the Media Space.”  To help with that, one session will feature HQ Trivia host Scott Rogowsky explaining the new world order.

Across the Hudson in Jersey City at the Hyatt Regency, the Advertising Research Foundation’s Audience x Science retreat will open with a keynote on “The Future of Media: An Epic Battle.”  Or, while FAANG spends mega-billions and the U.S. TV industry spends fewer billions … who wins?  On top of that, they’ll hear from Tim Wu talking about privacy and government … who wins?  Hint: FAANG for the foreseeable future unless …

Back in Manhattan, Tuesday afternoon will feature U.S. District Judge Richard Leon's decision on AT&T's attempt to acquire Time Warner, an antitrust bro-ha-ha brought to you by by President Trump’s sometimes docile Department of Justice.  Right after, Randall Stephenson and Jeff Bewkes will be seen twirling through midtown to the tune of “Dancing in the Street.

Meanwhile, back in Singapore, watch for South Korean President Moon Jae-in to crash the meeting to announce that he and North Korean Dear Leader Kim Jang Un have declared an end to the Korean War … ifboth the North and America make it a “nuclear-free peninsula.”  President Trump will no doubt agree noting he’s been promising to bring the troops home from all over the world!  Moments later, watch for the President to release his very own pre-fabricated nomination for the Nobel Peace prize.

And then Wednesday will arrive and meetings will continue in New York, New Jersey and Singapore.

On Thursday in NYC at Cipriani’s, the Annual Mirror Awards from Syracuse University will be given.  This year brings new categories including “Best Story on Fake News.”  While President Trump had hoped to attend, he’ll still be in Singapore.

TGIF: A day of rest!  Except for the President, he’s en route. As for us, pass the Montanya Dark Rum … ASAP!  (FYI:  It is distilled in Crested Butte.)

Random Notes

Kudos to the President on his pick of Geoffrey Starks as the Democratic nominee to replace Mignon Clyburn on the Federal Confusion Commission.  Starks is a highly respected long time public servant.

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