Improve Profitability of Remarketing Campaigns - Steve Parker, Jr.-Levelwing

Display ads can be costly if not executed properly: there's the creative, the copyrighting, media planning/buying and then management. So it doesn't make sense when people halfheartedly throw together a display campaign of any kind–especially remarketing. The audience you should be targeting in your remarketing campaigns should be a highly profitable one. After all, they've already shown interest in your product, brand or service by visiting your website. Here are three tips that can help maximize your return from these campaigns:

1. Segment, segment, segment

As I said before, display can be expensive. So you want to be sure you get the most out of your remarketing campaign. That's why you need to segment out your audiences. You can segment by the last time the user visited your website and what kinds of products/services they viewed. Getting granular with the messaging presents a big opportunity to convert the user.

For example, if a user is on your retail eCommerce site and views multiple product pages involving tools, you can remarket that user with the product's image, pricing and that product page's destination URL. Another example: If a user fills out an information request form, but does not actually book a service, remarketing that user with a reminder to book a service could be helpful. Use the remarketing ad copy and images that are appropriate for where that user is in the purchase funnel.

2. Tests

In the aforementioned examples, companies can test how long after the product or service is viewed is an optimal time for people to be remarketed. Another test can help you determine which products are the highest converters from remarketing campaigns, judging by click through rate (CTR) as well as conversion rates. If a remarketing conversion costs you an average of $25, for example, you might not want to spend time remarketing $7.99 wrenches on your tool site. Media placement tests are also pertinent. If a user is on, it might be beneficial to remarket them with display ads of jackets they looked at a day ago. However, if they're on an informational page about DIY crafts, the jacket might not be on their minds. There is much that can be determined from testing your messaging, placement, products and images.

3. Getting granular with code

The fact is that no marketing campaign is worth doing without implementing tracking code. And having a remarketing tag is not enough. Add fields for content messaging tests, segmented audiences, product images and media placements. Being able to assign a true ROI relies heavily on the ability to take all of the variables into consideration. Optimization requires the ability to isolate all of the variables that made your ad a success or failure as well, which is why it is absolutely imperative to get granular with code (possibly even more granular than you think you should). After all, the more data you have, the more you can use.

This article has been syndicated with permission from Asking Smarter Questions.

Steve Parker, Jr. is a Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Levelwing, a digital advertising agency that provides data-driven marketing solutions. Steve can be reached at Follow me on Twitter at @sparkerjr.

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Steve Parker Jr.

CEO + Co-Founder Levelwing Steve Parker, Jr. is the CEO + Co-Founder of Levelwing, a digital marketing firm offering media, social and analytics services to help businesses market and operate with greater clarity and profitability. Founded in 2002, Level… read more