Introduction from the DRTV DERAILERS eBook - Part 1 of 13 - Irv Brechner


The Internet has turned out to be both a blessing and a curse. Lower transaction costs and betterIrv+Brechnerconsumer experiences. But also, a constant wave of options involving new technologies and tactics you need to master as a DRTV marketer.

Back in the day, pre-'Net, producing a winning DRTV campaign was so much easier than it is today. Orders came in by unique 800 numbers and in envelopes with checks. Media was cheap and consumers had plenty of money to spend.

But then the Internet came along. Web sites. Shopping carts. Search engine marketing. Banner ads. Social networks. And suddenly, making DRTV work became more complex, more difficult and more costly.

With media costs steadily increasing and a consumer-centric environment developing, DRTV marketers now faced the need for online ordering and tracking, building web sites and landing pages, and learning how to use paid search to their advantage.

This eBook will summarize 12 different Internet age issues that can wreak havoc with your DRTV campaign, and present tactics and strategies to address them – and ensure that your gravy train keeps on chugging. We call them "bridges over disaster."

Bridge Over Disaster

What you need to do to make sure your DRTV train does not derail. In the next 12 weeks, we will present the most critical issues facing DRTV marketers and what you can do to resolve them.

Derailer #1:Website/Landing Pages
Derailer #2:Online Shopping Cart
Derailer #3:Information Inconsistency
Derailer #4:Lack of Robust SEM Program
Derailer #5:Lack of Accurate Tracking
Derailer #6:Too Many Distractions
Derailer #7:Not Using Video Footage Online
Derailer #8:Customer Acquisition Links Broken
Derailer #9:Not Addressing the "Free Shipping" Issue
Derailer #10:Ignoring Online Competition
Derailer #11:No Social Media Presence
Derailer #12:No Video Site Presence


You can download the entire ebook at any time at:

Irv Brechner has written over 100 published direct marketing articles and 13 books on a variety of topics. He's been a pioneer in online customer acquisition since 1996 and offline for his 35-year career. He has developed's "Customer Acquisition Intel Center" ( ) he evangelizes best-of-breed tactics to help companies acquire customers in the digital age. He can be reached at: .

Read all Irv's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Customer Acquisition Intel.

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