Know The Right Environment For Your Brands - DailyTRA

Just because it is a top rated program does not mean that your brand or category purchasers are watching. Up until now, advertisers aim to buy TV programming that has the largest audience of the age/sex surrogate target for their brands hoping that they will reach their purchasers. While this had been the standard, we now know better. TRA provides advertisers the ammunition of knowing exactly what their purchasers are watching.

As we see in the following example, Bleach advertisers still evaluating their TV packages off of the largest audience hoping that they reach their purchasers are most likely missing opportunities to reach more of the heavy Bleach purchasers. Bleach advertisers that are equipped with Media TRAnalytics® in their arsenal of tools, know the right environment for their brands! Contact us at to find out how you can cut waste, increase product sales, and improve your TV ROI.