Kristin Myers of Dotdash Meredith’s The Balance on Democratizing Content and Elevating Women to New Heights (Video)

Kristin Myers, Editor-in-Chief of Dotdash Meredith’s The Balance, shares the importance of advocacy, be it for self or others, in the workplace and in the financial arena if we are to make real progress. Key takeaways include: networking may be awkward, but it isn’t difficult; a passion-filled job doesn’t mean you should be paid less, and my personal favorite -- I am no longer going to participate in the exploitation of myself.

Oh, there are more, so be sure to listen in and learn how you can show up for yourself and others and help change the system as a result.

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Kate Byrne

Kate Byrne is the Chief Growth Officer for Community and Partnership at Goodlight Capital, creating the future of Venture Capital to be more equitable, scalable, and impactful by providing capital and more for under represented Founders and Advisor to PlusMe… read more