Let's Make It Personal - Steve Yanovsky

In these tight economic times, with a watchful eye on advertising budgets, marketers more than ever are in search of the best way to reach their target consumer. Television seems like the ideal way to generate awareness, or build on the awareness for your brand. But, the demographics of television buying are a pretty blunt instrument. Too much waste comes along the real audience you want to reach. Having to buy an audience delivered by television, be it a broadcast or cable network, that is 18-49, the solid gold demo, is far too broad.

What does an 18 year old have in common with a 49 year old? The 18 year old is graduating high school and comes at the world of products and services from that perspective. The 49 year old is likely to be a parent, maybe the parent of that 18 year old. The 49 year old can have a mortgage, car payments, a career, a family, etc. And the media world treats them like they have a similar point of view when it comes to selling them through advertising. So, you get all this waste in your media plan talking to people that are not open to buy what you are selling.

As eyeballs continue to migrate to the web, and web video, the ability to target your audience segment increases. A current article in eMarketerdiscussed a recent study of personalized video ads. It talked about the positive impact it had on key campaign metrics. With the goal for any advertiser, but especially video advertisers, of minimizing waste in your media dollars, this personalization tool is very attractive. If you can target your creative message to a specific audience segment, in a specific city, that really is narrowing the focus of your creative considerably. This would seem to apply whether it is pre-roll, mid-roll or post-roll.

The study alluded to in the article showed a table which indicated a 37% lift in purchase intent vs. the standard TV spot, a 100% increase in lift in Brand favorability and 73% increase in Brand loyalty. To quote the article, "Clearly, personalization can increase the ability to remember and relate to online video ads, ultimately creating a more powerful branding effect."

Also, the vast majority of the respondents in the survey mentioned above was receptive to personalized online video ads and prefers this kind of relevancy to the "generic" video advertising they usually see.

Before we go rushing to personalize all video ads, the article pointed out that internet users are comfortable with this form of advertising for retailers, travel and entertainment advertisers, which make sense since these ads can be very specific to location. They can provide the user with an address of a store or show times and location of a movie theater, or the deal of the day for an airline or hotel chain or auto manufacturer. Therefore, advertisers need to think about their brands in those terms when it comes to personalization.

Steve Yanovsky is a Partner at Customer Focused Solutions and can be reached at syanovsky@optonline.net.

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Steve Yanovsky

Steve currently serves as Partner of Customer Focused Solutions. Prior he was Vice President of Marketing for BBE (formerly known as Broadband Enterprises). Steve also held the roles of CMO for The FeedRoom, Vice President of Marketing for CBS Cable, and Dir… read more