Cory Treffiletti's Websites of the Week

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going directly to Heaven, we were all going the other way."
- Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was an optimist. At least that’s how I read that famous quote from “A Tale of Two Cities”. I wonder what Mr. Dickens would be thinking were he around today, witnessing the chaos at play within all aspects of the economy as a result of the decisions made by an influential group of greedy people over the last 3-5 years. I think Charles would understand that with collapse comes opportunity and with opportunity comes innovation. Innovation is a natural human tendency, the tendency to tackle challenges and embrace change. It’s evolution in its finest hour! Though the coming 6-12 months may indeed be difficult, entrepreneurialism thrives in these periods and some innovative and aggressive companies will use this environment to their advantage if they can identify a strategic path and stick to it. Maybe some of these following companies which we’ve uncovered over the last two weeks will be among those that succeed! You be the judge!!

For those of you having a hard time dealing with the stress these days, you need to turn to those who can give you support. Two such sites are FIRST 30 DAYS ( and PERSONAL LIFE MEDIA ( (Read our interview with First30Days CEO Ariane deBonvoisin.) One is a site that focuses on life changes and one is a site that focuses on how to get the most out of all aspects of your life. Both sites are focused on you “the person” rather than you “the employee” or you “the parent”. When stress is high and life is trying, the best way to gain the advantage is to first take of yourself and work outwards from there. These two sites will help you do that!

Once you’ve figured out how to take care of yourself it’s time to take care of your business and one way to get that organized is to use ZOHO ( Zoho creates tools for increasing productivity and collaboration. Consider it a virtual office. All the tools you need to be productive are there and the interface is easy and fast. It’s substantially better than a number of other web-based office solutions.

Another way to be more productive while you’re at work is to make sure all your files are stored and synced in one location, which is where DROPBOX ( and it’s pretty inexpensive, which is a must during a trying economic time such as these!

As far as iPhone Apps go this week, check out the intellectual nuggets to be found in such useful applications as CHUCKISMS and IQUOTES LITE. If that doesn’t settle you down and bring you to a peaceful place, then download iFISH and visit Ireland for a little peace and quiet.

That’s it for this week’s edition. As always, if you have something you see and think we should know about it, please drop me a note at and let me know, or email on the Facebook page!

Talk to you in 2!

Cory Treffiletti & The Digital Influentials

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Cory. Treffiletti

Cory is a data-driven storyteller who practices marketing, maintains a musical hobby, and has a passion for thinking differently. As Chief Marketing Officer for Rembrand, Cory is helping drive the growth of the leading programmatic product placement platform… read more