MFM's New "Up and Comer" Series, Featuring Megan Austin of Midwest Communications (Video)

Welcome to the first episode of the Media Financial Management Association's (MFM's) new Up and Comer  video podcast, which puts the spotlight on people who are still fairly new to the business. To kick off the series, Megan Austin, Accounting Manager, Midwest Communications, talks about the biggest lesson she's learned on the job. (Hint: It has to do with teamwork.) She also discusses the importance of work-life balance and sticking to your guns when someone tries to push your responsibilities into an area that's uncomfortable.

Up and Comer is brought to you by MFM's Young Professionals Network (YP), with the group's co-chairperson, Ryan Laninga, serving as host of this episode. Look for future episodes hosted by Laninga and his fellow YP co-chairperson, Carrie Heffernan.

Ryan Laninga serves as a co-chairperson of the Media Financial Management Association's Young Professional Network -- which makes him the perfect cohost for the organization's "Up and Comer" video podcast. Laninga is an Assistant Controller for Bonneville International, overseeing the company's Denver, Sacramento, and San Francisco markets. He started with the company in 2014 as a Staff Accountant for its Phoenix market before moving up to Denver in 2016 where he grew into his present role.

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