My Conservative Friends Speak Out - TheCharlieWarnerReport

I often post the comments and rants of my liberal friends, so in order to be fair, I want to post some comments and rants from my conservative friends.

Neil Derrough writes:

"Let's say that it was just found that John McCain had a long term friendship with David Duke. That he had supported Duke's past campaigns and had included him in his circle of advisers. And, when the press probed this relationship they were accused of sensationalizing and covering "dirty laundry". How much credit do you think that argument would get.

The messenger can be blamed for unfairness for covering Obama's past relationships but a rational public knows better."

Paul Atkinson writes:

"Obama was correct - that 45 minutes of "gotcha" questioning on the ABC debate was a waste of time.

But from a conservative's perspective, Obama's "fresh way of looking at real issues" inevitably involves three standard thrusts
1) virtually any economic or social ill affecting Americans today can and should be ameliorated by government action

2) the insurance, drug, mortgage and oil companies are the root of all evil and

3) it is an article of faith that income taxes must be raised on those who already pay 44-45% of every incremental dollar they earn in income taxes

When you examine Obama's positions, he emerges as an orthodox Democratic liberal. If he truly wishes to create a new paradigm for the 21st century, " the voter as victim" is not going to cut it.

Even Bill Clinton was willing to challenge the victimization rationale in the black community by ending "welfare as we know it" and was willing to acknowledge America's need to compete in a world of free trade."

Bruce Braun writes:

"We start by throwing out gerrymandering to protect incumbents that currently return 98% back to office every election cycle and impose term limits of not more than 12 years in the senate or congress or in combination. We limit the president and most governors, why not the rest of them.

Impose restrictions for no less than two years upon those leaving office from working for lobbying on behalf or representing any company that came before any committee they served upon. The executive branch and cabinet officers are prohibited from such employment and have been since Nixon left. Preclude ex-presidents from profiteering on their tenure by prohibiting any consulting or advising,etc for anyone for at least four years! Write all the books you want but learn to live on your presidential pension.

Eliminate congressional pensions and free healthcare during and after being in office. Make them pay for it, like everyone else. No more junkets all over the world so they can play junior secretaries of state or defense or free transport on military aircraft. No more free bumps to first class when flying commercial. No luxury rental cars or luxury cars paid for by taxpayers...limit them to Chevy Cobalts. And if you are arrested for drunk driving, getting a blowjob from an intern, wagging your weenie in a men's room, are caught performing an unnatural act with a 9 year-old boy or barnyard animal, you are suspended without pay until found innocent.

Once we take out the career hacks, coat-tailers (like Hillary) and all the perks and benefits, we will most likely have some folks who really are in the service of the public.

If only I were King!"

I am blessed to have so many friends with such diverse opinions -- it keeps me young.