Nataki Williams of The Guardian US on Identifying Your Strengths to Gain Confidence and Grow (Video)

Nataki Williams faced some challenges when she rose through the ranks at MTV Networks at a young age. Some sage advice from a career coach helped her get over her insecurities and understand her leadership strengths. That eventually led her to The Guardian US, where she currently serves as a Senior Vice President of Finance and Operations. In her conversation with Janet Stilson, Editor of MediaVillage Knowledge Exchange, Williams discusses how she's learned to alter her goals in response to new information and events -- no matter how frequently those changes might be needed.

Williams' resume includes stints at Coach, Johnson & Johnson and Wyndham Worldwide. Her deep passion for education and community service led her to become a founding board member and treasurer of Ivy Hill Preparatory Charter school in Brooklyn. She contributes her thought leadership to conferences including the 2022 Mighty Dream Forum, where she joined Pharrell Williams on the mainstage for his "Ignite the Mighty" discussion.

For more, watch the full interview above.

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Janet Stilson

Janet is the writer of magazine articles, books and several film scripts. Penned articles for many fine publications over the years about topics that range from the delights of walking through Spanish Harlem to business models for advanced forms of media.… read more