NewsNation Anchor Nichole Berlie Talks to The Power of Women in The World of Broadcast News

It has been well documented that women have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, at home, in the workplace, in hospitals; yet still they rise. We need to help them. Those of us who have platforms need to amplify the voices being quieted; those who are unknown. Media can play an important role in uncovering unsung heroes. We need to share our mics in service of increasing the volume of those making a difference.

Today's guest is actively doing just this. Nichole Berlie is the anchor of NewsNation's Early Edition, and a powerhouse of a leader both on the screen and off.

Nichole's key takeaways:

  1. Keep your eye on the big picture - this too shall pass
  2. Advocate for yourself
  3. Be who you are to your core - you are deserving and provide great value
  4. Be nice - you don't have to step over people to elevate yourself
  5. Don't get sidetracked by the glittery shiny things. There's tremendous power behind a camera, managing the funds, determining what stories get told
  6. Bring others along - have your determination inspire that inside of others

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Kate Byrne

Kate Byrne is the Chief Growth Officer for Community and Partnership at Goodlight Capital, creating the future of Venture Capital to be more equitable, scalable, and impactful by providing capital and more for under represented Founders and Advisor to PlusMe… read more