NFL: CBS vs FOX - DailyTRA

When the NFL lockout finally ended in late July, avid fans eagerly awaited the start of the most anticipated season in recent memory. With the NFL being by far the most popular professional sport in the United States, it is easily the most expensive sport to advertise in. This being said, media buyers and planners need to know if viewers of NFL games on CBS and FOX are purchasing the products that they are advertising to make it worth the spend.

With TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, media buyers and planners are able to look into this and find “The Right Audience®”. Only Toaster/Pastries Tarts and Granola/Snack Bar purchasers appeared in the top ten list of category purchasers watching the NFL on both CBS and FOX. CBS viewers in September ’11 purchased more food and drink products such as Carbonated Beverages, Bottled Water and Coffee whereas FOX viewers bought more household/personal hygiene products like Razors/Blades, Batteries and Soap/Body Wash. This information shows media buyers and planners where they should be investing their media spend in order to maximize their return on investment and improve sales.

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