Opportunities Ahead for Cholesterol Advertising - DailyTRA

Prescription drug advertising for branded Cholesterol treatment options has historically been one of the most heavily advertised in the U.S. with $281 million spent in 2010. The largest brand in the world and advertiser in this category, Lipitor (manufactured and marketed by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals) is going off-patent this year leaving a large hole to fill in the upcoming TV season. This significant change has presented competing brands with tactical opportunities to influence patients with their messaging without the clutter of Lipitor advertising in market. More important than ever before, marketers will need tactical information to ensure their competing brand message gets to the right audience of Cholesterol patients at the right time.

TRA’s TV Health-Ratings™ powered by SDI leverages single-source intelligence combining viewing and actual behavior to help pinpoint which networks, dayparts and programs across broadcast and cable will be most efficient to reach Cholesterol patients.

The following chart highlights the top cable networks across all dayparts that are more densely populated with viewers who are treating their Cholesterol with a prescription remedy.

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