Overnight May Be Worth More Than You Thought! - DailyTRA - MediaBizBloggers

TRA’s Media TRAnalytics® can help advertisers uncover gold in unsuspecting places. For instance, TRA is able to demonstrate that the overnight daypart, typically a less desirable daypart that is sometime bought just to help advertisers keep overall cost per thousands low, may actually be worth more to some advertisers than they thought!

For Laundry Detergent advertisers, the heavy Laundry Detergent purchasers are more likely to make up the overnight daypart and early morning information than daytime. Because TRA can report viewing behavior based on purchasers, advertisers equipped with Media TRAnalytics® can learn what the right time of the day is best to reach “The Right Audience™” and minimize waste by avoiding times that won’t drive your media ROI.

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