Q&A: Bank of America on Automation, Programmatic and TV

Jay Sears, Senior Vice President Marketplace Development of Rubicon Project discusses "Automation, Programmatic and TV" with Lou Paskalis of Bank of America (pictured above). The two executives appeared at Rubicon Project's 3rd Annual Automated Advertising Panel at Cannes in June 2015.

In the photo above, Jay Sears of Rubicon Project, Arun Kumar of IPG's Cadreon, Stephan Beringer of Publicis' VivaKi, Ashwini Karandikar of Dentsu Aegis Network's Amnet, Adam Shlachter of Digitas and Lou Paskalis of Bank of America discuss ad automation issues of the day in Cannes, France.

Your Name:Lou Paskalis

Your Company:Bank of America

Your Title:Senior Vice President Enterprise Media and Communications Executive

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with politics, art and culture?

PASKALIS: Vanity Fair, Variety, Politico, everything related to Formula One racing.

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with friends?

PASKALIS: (You) assume I want to.

SEARS: What do you read to keep up with our industry?

PASKALIS: Twitter feeds, ReCode, everything ever written by Michael Kassan or Michael Brennan, people's faces in meetings.

SEARS: What's your favorite commercial of all time?