Reaching the Urban Market Place in the Digital Age!! - Roger Maloney

Welcome Roger Maloney, our newest MediaBizBlogger

In today's competitive media market place various companies are trying to reach the urban market place and since the rise of new television networks such as Bounce TV, Magic Johnson Channel Aspire, And Sean Combs New Channel Revolt all reaching out to the same audience it is going to very competitive to keep those eyeballs.

So based on the rise of these new channels here are some ways I think these networks can reach the urban market based on research from the Google Think Tank.

1. African Americans are ahead of the digital curve, utilizing video, mobile, and other platforms to interact online. Africans Americans value both traditional and digital sources for learning about products and services. 80% use television, 60% friends and colleagues, 61% in store displays, 49% newspapers, 49% flyers and circulars, 29% books, 21% experts. 84 % use search, 62% use social media and 69% percent use email as there source for information and brands.

2. Digital technologies provide an important "microphone" to African-American consumers, who are significantly more likely to use Twitter and to recommend online brands and products to acquaintances. 59% like a brand, company or a service and 46% of African Americans recommended a brand, product or service, as an action from search.

3. African Americans are avid searchers, more likely to use search daily, and to click through on search ads. This audience is nearly 50% more likely than others to begin their "path to purchase" with search.

4African-American consumers are substantially more responsive than the general population to digital video ads and smart phone ads- 45 % African Americans gravitate towards the Internet early in their shopping and information gathering process while, the general population is more inclined to spread their use throughout the cycle. African Americans also have a much longer path to purchase when it comes to technology.

5. African Americans are more receptive to digital marketing- In general African Americans are more concerned that ads – whatever their platform or content are relevant to them. African Americans place more emphasis on an ad's personal context relevance [humor content and variety] than simple ethnic acknowledgment. A very important piece of this research, African Americans are seeking ad content that is truly relevant.

These five points should be a help bring success to these new cable TV channels because we want more channels to be successfully in the digital age because today's viewers want to be engaged.

Roger Maloney is the VP of Vanguarde Consulting Group and company that prepare small business for the digital age. Roger can be reached at

Read all Roger's MediaBizBloggers commentaries at Tribl Media Insights.

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