Read all about the New Technologies Impacting on Media, Advertising, Marketing

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Sonic Notify and Apple's iBeacons are the Future of Mobile Marketing - (Members-Only Report)
Location-sensitive transmitters -- called "beacons" -- can send targeted advertising messages to smartphones and mobile devices based on their precise indoor location (for example, in the cereal aisle of a super market or the jeans department of a clothing store). Beacons are a reality and represent the future of shopper marketing, but they may also cause a big headache.


New Media Tech Part 4: Wearable Tech to Watch - Neptune Pine (Members-Only Report)
Neptune+PineThe Neptune Watch ( is the creation of its founder and CEO Simon Tian, a 19-year old dropout who decided he was going to "create a smartwatch as powerful and capable as a smartphone ." He went to China to visit factories to explore the potential for his intended design.


New Media Tech Part 3: WANELO - A Retail Social Hub (Members-Only Report)
Do you want it, need it or love it? WANELO is short for WAnt, NEed, LOve and is a social platformdesigned to convert interest, passion and community into retail sales. Founded by Deena Varshavskaya in 2010, Wanelo is the next major social platform where consumers are flocking and businesses are following.


Glyph Goes Beyond Google Glass and Oculus Rift (Members-Only Report)
Wearable devices that offer audio and video have had one issue holding them back so far: traditional screens that are close to the eyes have resolution that ranges from mediocre to bad. But, Ann Arbor-based Avegant (, the creator of Glyph, a new personal theater device, has solved the problem in a surprising way: they modeled their display on the workings of the human eye.


How the Internet of Things and Google Nest are Changing Marketing (Members-Only Report)
2014 has started with an inescapable focus on a technology trend labeled the 'Internet of Things' (IoT). An ambiguous term, it nonetheless describes a number of diverse technological developments with the long-term potential to interconnect and change the way we as consumers live with our devices and the way marketers communicate.


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