Rub Away The Pain Of Wasteful Spending - DailyTRA

Mike and Molly, CBS’ new sitcom is a sure-fire hit with purchasers of External Analgesic Rubs. What does this mean for advertisers of this type of product? While spending on TV ad campaigns to capture the age and sex demo target, advertisers are incurring a huge cost while likely missing some of the purchasers who would buy the product. The chart below demonstrates how the top rated broadcast programs for the week of Feb 14th indexed with respect to purchasers of External Analgesic Rubs – one, Mike & Molly, stood apart from the rest. In fact, the lowest ranked program for the week ranks highest when it came to people actually going out and purchasing the product. Using this information from TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, advertisers are eliminating the pain involved in planning their ad campaigns because they now know exactly who their audience is and exactly where to find them to maximize the return on their investment.

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