Seeking Audiences That Love Advertising…Try Cinema - Daily Data Sponsored by Screenvision

Today's Daily Data is sponsored by Screenvision

#1 - Fifty-six percent of adults who frequently view network TV programs online and portable devices say they are likely to pay attention to cinema advertising, higher attentiveness than any other medium

#2 - Sixty-one percent of "G-rated" movie-goers say they are likely to pay attention to cinema advertising, higher attentiveness than any other medium

#3 - Fifty-one percent of "PG-rated" movie-goers say they are likely to pay attention to cinema advertising, higher attentiveness than any other medium

#4 - Fifty percent of "PG-13-rated" movie-goers say they are likely to pay attention to cinema advertising, higher attentiveness than any other medium

#5 - Fifty-two percent of "R-rated" movie-goers say they are likely to pay attention to cinema advertising, higher attentiveness than any other medium

Source: Myers Research on the Emotional Connections of Audiences to the Media They Consume. Conducted online among 8,000 respondents aged 15-55. Daily Data sponsored by Screenvision.