Simulmedia: High Attentiveness Low Loyalty (H.A.L.L.) Revisited: Exposure to promotion makes highly attentive rovers tune in to a program at higher rates - Yuliya Torosjan - MediaBizBloggers

Targeting low loyalty high attentiveness viewers is an ideal way to drive ratings for established programs. We define low loyalty viewers as ones who watch only one episode of a program in a season. As we previously determined, most shows have large numbers of such low loyalty viewers and their attention is for sale. Imposing the additional requirement of "high attentiveness," we ensure that our target is more receptive to a particular program.

Our recent study examined whether exposure to promotion makes the highly attentive low loyalty segments more likely to tune in to subsequent episodes of a program.

We isolated high attentiveness low loyalty February 2009 audiences for ABC's Lost and FOX's 24. Any viewer who saw at least thirty non-consecutive minutes of Lost on exactly one out of four possible occasions in February was included in the high attentiveness low loyalty audience for Lost. The same criteria were used to create a high attentiveness low loyalty audience for FOX's 24.

Subsequently, we split the February high attentiveness low loyalty audience into two segments based on their exposure to promotion in the first week of March, prior to the first March episode. We then examined first March episode tune in of the promo-exposed and promo-unexposed highly attentive low-loyalty viewers and compared their rates. The results for both programs have confirmed our hypothesis that promotional exposure moves highly attentive-low loyalty viewers to tune in at higher rates.

Additionally, the graphs below illustrate that the high attentiveness low loyalty audience is a more effective target of promotion than the general set-top box audience. In fact, the high attentiveness low loyalty audience exposed to promotion is more than three times as likely to tune in to the program as the exposed general audience.

In our future analysis we plan to investigate whether exposure to promotion made the low loyalty viewers more loyal, and determine the persistence of the effect.

Yuliya can be reached at

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