Six Reasons Why Interviewing is Like Speed Dating

A young woman in her early 20s talks anxiously into her phone. She rattles on, worrying about what she wore, breaking down a conversation she had and contemplating whether or not someone will call her back. Most people might think, “She must’ve just had a date.”

Wrong! It was not a date. It was a rehashing of a job interview. The young woman was me – forcing my mother to endure a 20-minute debrief of one of my four interviews in the past two weeks.

It took a few networking events to put my finger on what exactly I felt uncomfortable about and then I realized: I was speed dating!

Here are six reasons why interviewing and networking are like speed dating:

You need to master the art of the humble brag.

During my college career at New York University I held multiple internships. I graduated this past spring with a degree inMedia, Culture and Communications -- and although I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do or where I wanted to work, I felt excited to get out there and start my career in media. I had experience and an education, and I consider myself to be a pretty social person. I was good to go.

Then I met the rest of the graduating class of 2015.

I attended a few networking events and started to feel self-conscious about myself in comparison to the people I met at them. I started to realize I have not quite perfected the humble brag as much as my fellow graduates. I later Googled “Is majoring or minoring in small talk a thing?” Google told me to stop using my phone and go talk to people.

You agonize over choosing the perfect outfit.

Before every interview, I stared at my closet for at least 30 minutes trying to pick the perfect outfit. I needed something professional, yet cute, but also cool for the NYC summer weather.  The problem is that I sweat both when I’m nervous and when I’m waiting for the train on the 110-degree subway platform. So either way, I’m screwed.

You pitch why you’re a good match.

Just as I would Facebook stalk a blind date before I met him, I also conducted extensive research on the companies to see how I might fit in. During each interview, the representative gave me a few minutes to spout out why I’m a good fit for the company, why I’m different than other candidates and why they should want me. This was all to see if we two had a connection -- that important “spark.”

You over-analyze your conversations.

During the interview, you want to seem polished and professional, but you also don’t want to seem like a robot. Since I wanted to frame myself in a positive light, I filtered the way I answered questions. After each interview, I ran over the conversation with my mom to analyze the feedback I received. I was very good at coming up with conspiracy theories about my interviews.

Sometimes, you cast too wide of a net

I realized I was so eager to get a job -- any job -- that I cast too wide of a net. It’s like when you need a plus-one to a wedding but you are not in a relationship: You feel under pressure, so you date anyone vaguely acceptable. However, I wanted something that would last, not just a quick solution.

You eventually figure out what you want.

Eventually, I took to networking asHinge took to the App Store; I saw it as a way to find companies that would be a good fit for me based on the connections I made. As I embraced this new perspective, I focused more on the community I wanted to join and the work that I wanted to do. I started to feel more comfortable talking about what I wanted in a career and a community, because I was applying to and interviewing at the right places.  Sometimes, that means saying no to companies that may want to hire me but may not be a good match.

In the end, my friend referred me to his friend who worked ata media agency and after a few blind dates, I realized we were compatible. I landed and accepted an offer. I figured out the traits I wanted in a partner … I mean, a company.

The opinions and points of view expressed in this commentary are exclusively the views of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of MediaVillage management or associated bloggers.


Mackenzie Cyr

Mackenzie Cyr is a young professional working as a Junior Associate at MediaVest. She is a recent graduate of NYU. You can reach her at read more