Smart Advertising Wins Every Time – Are You A Smart Advertiser? - DailyTRA

After nine seasons, the popular drama, One Tree Hill now in reruns, continues to be an attractive program for certain advertisers. TRA Media TRAnalytics® matches TV tuning data with purchase behavior which allows advertisers to know exactly what products would do well on specific networks, programs or dayparts.  So what products would gain the highest return on investment by advertising on One Tree Hill In the example below, categories such as Spirits/Liquor, Toaster Pastries/Tarts, Fabric Softener Liquids, Energy Drinks and Petcare – Cat indexed highly against each respective category purchaser having high Purchaser Rating Points™ (PRP™). Advertisers, don’t waste your money on wrong networks or programs.  With TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, it’s easy to learn which networks or programs will provide the best return on media investment. To learn more about TRA and Media TRAnalytics®, please visit