Take the Frizz Out of Your Media Spend By Finding the Right Hair Conditioner Buyers - DailyTRA

Frizzy hair makes for a bad hair day while a poorly executed TV advertising campaign makes for a horrible year for advertisers. But now, advertisers with TRA’s Media TRAnalytics®, no longer have to guess at what programs attract their prime audience, that is, those who will ultimately purchase the product. Now, they are able to find the right programs, tailor the right messages to The Right Audience™ for their products. In this instance, Hair Conditioner advertisers should note the five programs of the top eleven rated cable programs for the week of Feb 21st that also indexed high in terms of Purchaser Rating Points™ for their products. With this information, Hair Conditioner advertisers can now reallocate media spend to these programs and see a greater return on their investment in media!

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