The Highs and Lows of Spike TV’s Entourage - DailyTRA

The show, made popular by HBO about four buddies from Queens, NY in search of fame and fortune that leads them to tinseltown aka Hollywood , also found a home on the popular network, Spike TV. Advertisers wanting to see what viewers of Entourage are purchasing are just a few clicks away from finding out, using TRA’s Media TRAnalytics® StoryFinder™ report. In this case, Light Beers, Diet Carbonated Soft Drinks (CSD) and Energy Drinks rank among the highest in terms of Purchaser Rating Points™ for the program. StoryFinder ™ also provides advertisers with vital information such as which categories indexed lowest for the program. For Entourage, household products such as Fabric Softener, Bleach and Food/Trash Bags would do well to not waste their media spend on this program. With this information, advertisers are able to streamline their media buys to eliminate any unnecessary wasteful spending by reallocating their media spend to programs that provide them with a higher return on investment. Networks are also using StoryFinder™ to know exactly which advertisers would benefit the most from advertising on their programs. To learn more about TRA, please visit