Trim The Excess Fat From Your Media Plan - DailyTRA

On January 17th, Paula Deen revealed that she was diagnosed with Diabetes three years prior. This startling revelation many claimed will have an adverse effect on Deen’s empire but that remains to be seen. In the meantime, Paula’s Best Dishes and Home Cooking programs continue to air on the Food Network. So who are the viewers of these two popular programs and are advertisers maximizing their exposure to the right TV audience? TRA’s Media TRAnalytics® provides the answer to these questions and more. A quick StoryFinder™ report reveals that purchasers are similar between the two shows in seven out of ten categories including Frozen/Refrigerated Dinners & Entrees, Spirits/Liquor, Candy, Petcare - Cat, Energy Drinks, Beer/Ale/Alcoholic Cider, and Gastrointestinal Liquids and Tablets. Using this information, advertisers are able to plan and buy advertising based on what is best for their product(s). For more information on TRA and Media TRAnalytics®, please contact